Painting Realism in Watermedia with Barbie Mathis
Paintings by Barbie Mathis
In this class, we will be exploring techniques for creating realistic landscapes, flowers, animals, still lifes, and more. Barbie will do a short demo each week, and participants may choose to work with Watercolor, Gouache, or Acrylic Paints which may be purchased at City Art. And, they may work from photo references of their own, or the instructor's photos. It would be helpful to have had a beginner class in Watercolor or Acrylic Painting.
Location: City Art Gallery, Columbia, SC
Tuesdays, 6 - 8:30 PM
March 5 - April 2 (5 weeks)
Happy 2019!
Day 1 of my Daily Painting Practice--toned canvas and did rough underpainting with Golden Fluid Acrylic's Payne's Gray.
Happy 2019 everyone! This year I have made a resolution to become a better, faster painter. As part of that, I have begun a Daily Painting Practice, and I'm reading "The War of Art by Steven Pressfield. Here is a recap of Week 1 using Golden Fluid Acrylics on Canvas and experimenting with a red/magenta toned background.
Day 1 of my Daily Painting Practice--toned canvas and did rough under painting with Golden Fluid Acrylic's Payne's Gray.
"Perry and John's Garden", 8" x 10", Original Golden Acrylic on Canvas by Barbie Mathis.
On Day 2 - began another painting, and on Days 3 -5 started filling in layers of colors. I like the way the red/magenta toning sparkles through in some areas.